Monthly 3D Archery & Skeet Shoots

Reaching out to others through monthly 3D archery shoots, skeet shoots, and predator hunts with Hunt County Bowhunters Association in Commerce, Texas. Through our ministry, we are able to do what we love, such as hunting, fishing and spreading the Good Word of Jesus Christ. We also give members a chance to be prepared for upcoming hunting seasons.

Archer - Skeet Shoots

3D Archery

Practice your aim on realistic game with our 3D archery shoots. Since our targets look real, you’ll be able to truly get into the spirit of the hunt. Along the way, we share fellowship in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Skeet Shoots

Hit targets on the move with a shotgun when you join our ministry for skeet shoots. You’ll have a great time practicing your shooting with fellow Christians.

Predator Hunts

Take down a real predator on hunts organized by Hunt County Bowhunters Association. The thrill of the chase and the exhilaration of the catch are the real joy of hunting predators.

Contact us in Commerce, Texas, to find out more about our 3D archery and skeet shoots.